Thursday, July 29, 2010

Web Applications

What an interesting session! I realized that with the new knowledge that I acquired today, life as a teacher could be so much easier. So much information ( one of my classmates commented " I have never spent so much time in front of the computer") but the session was enjoyable and inwardly I became excited wanting to share this with my son and my colleagues! Like Sandy suggested that we just need to think on how we are going to apply this in the classroom /lessons or better yet how it can work for your learners ( because lessons can become boring ). I have learnt about podcasts, web.1 , web. 2 their differences and what I mostly liked was when she pointed out how we as teachers can share and collaborate with others. I definitely will apply what I have learnt. It is also going better this week logging on to my blog, going into my g-mail account etc.

Thanks for the session.


  1. Hi Josephine, I like your reflections. Keep it up!


  2. Josephine you are very positive and that is a very good sign. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hi Myrtle
    Today you looked smart and thanks for refreshing my memory on hyper-linking. I hope to keep in touch more often.
    Always stay so smart and positive.


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