Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Intervention Programme

It seems that Intervention Programmes are a good thing. But it seems that some learners do not realise the seriousness of the matter when it comes down to them being part of a group which displays low literacy levels. Of the 18 lerners that were put on the programme only about 5 learners pitched for class. This is really upsetting because one really want to go the extra mile to help them. I later discovered that some of the learners had to go for their first language class which is Isixhosa. It seems that the small group that I worked with is very enthusiatic about improving their marks. We worked in the lab - We went on the website "whoswhoinsa". I also showed them how to search for biographies and autobiographies. This was what the lesson was about and the instruction was that they had to write a biography about themselves. We focussed on punctuation because some learners write without using punctuation marks. The emphasis was also on reading. I think they enjoyed it as much as I did.


  1. Way to go girl.If you can make an impression on a few learners you can feel you have accomplished something.Keep it up.


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